Passive House Passive House Cork Passive House Ireland

Passive House Ireland

The Passive House projects carried out by the team at Mark Sheehan Construction are made to the highest energy standard with the promise of slashing our clients heating and energy bills. The construction and application of Passive House design has a tremendous impact on energy conservation. The Passive House buildings produced by the team at Mark Sheehan Construction presents an intriguing option for new and retrofit construction; in residential, commercial, and institutional projects.

Passive House Certificate

Passive House Design and Savings

A Passive House, constructed by the builders at Mark Sheehan Construction Solutions LTD is an extremely well-insulated, virtually air-tight building where energy and heating losses are kept to an absolute minimum. Any remaining heat demand is provided by an extremely small source. Avoidance of heat gain through shading and window orientation also helps to limit any cooling load, which is similarly minimized. The result of having a well constructed passive house can mean a saving of up to up to 90% of space heating costs.

What is a Passive House?

A Passive House is a comprehensive heat and energy saving system. "Passive" describes well the system's underlying receptivity and retention capacity. Working with natural resources, energy from sunlight can be captured and applied efficiently, instead of relying predominantly on ‘active’ systems to bring a building to ‘zero’ energy. High performance triple-glazed windows, super-insulation, an airtight building shell, limitation of thermal bridging and balanced energy recovery ventilation make possible extraordinary reductions in energy use and carbon emission.

Mark Sheehan Passive House Projects

We have have applied the passive house concept to many of our designs as we believe that homes and businesses should aim towards a carbon-neutral future. Over the last number of years the team at Mark Sheehan Construction Solutions LTD have been in passive house builds including from single and high level residences, schools, factories and office buildings. As well as new builds we can design and remodel several buildings in Ireland to the passive house standard.

Telephone: 021 481 0106 Mobile: 086 859 2821

Construction services carried out by Mark Sheehan Construction

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Cork Builders Passive House Ireland Timber Frame Houses House Extensions

Building Contractors Cork Projects

Passive House Projects

Timber Frame Houses Projects

House Extensions